Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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=== Creating a Character ===
Angband is a roll playing game, in which you, the player, control a character
in the world of Angband. Perhaps the most important thing you control is the
birth of your character, in which you choose or allow to be chosen various
attributes that will affect the future life of your character.
Character creation, or birth, is controlled through a variety of choices
as to constraints on the type of character you wish to play, followed by
a series of random calculations to generate ("roll up") a random character
matching the appropriate constraints.
Once your character has been generated, you will be given the choice to
generate a new character obeying the same constraints, and once you have
generated more than one character, you can switch back and forth between
the two most recent characters, until you are presented with a personality
that you feel comfortable with.
You may start the entire process over at any time.
Once you have accepted a character you will asked to provide a name for the
character. In general, the actual choice of a name is not important, but do
keep in mind that it may have some effect on the game itself. For example,
on some machines, the chatacter name determines the filename that will be
used to save the character to disk. On others, the character name specifies
special "pref" files. And the character name is used on the high score list.
=== Character Characteristics ===
Each character has three primary attributes, sex, race, and class, that
are chosen before the character is generated, and which will stay fixed
for the entire life of that character. These attributes have many effects,
which will be mentioned as they come up. Keep in mind that in the current
version of Angband, your choice of race may restrict your choice of class.
Each character has a few secondary attributes, height, weight, social class,
and background history, which are randomly determined, but which are affected
by the sex and race of the character. In general, these attributes are only
used to provide "flavor" to the character, to assist in the roll playing, but
they do have a few minor effects on the game. For example, background history
affects social class, which affects the amount of money the character will
start with. And weight affects carrying capacity and bashing ability.
Each character also has six primary "stats", strength, intelligence, wisdom,
dexterity, constitution, and charisma, which modify the abilities of the
character in a variety of ways. Every stat has a numerical value, ranging
from a minimum of 3, up to a normal maximum of 18, and even higher, into
the "percentile" range, represented as "18/01" through "18/100". Actually,
every stat can be raised even above 18/100 by magical means, up to a pure
maximum of 18/220, which is represented as "18/***". Traditionally, a
percentile stat such as "18/50" has been though of as representing a value
part way between 18 and 19, and this is one way to think of them. However,
often, the best way to view the "bonus" values after the "18/" is as "tenth"
points, since it often takes the same magic to raise a stat from, say, 4 to 5,
or 16 to 17, as it does from, say, 18/40 to 18/50. The important thing to
remember is that almost all internal calculations "ignore" the final digit
of any "bonus", so that, for example, "18/40" and "18/49" are always have
the same effects. During character generation, each stat is rolled out as
a number from 8 to 17, with a normal distribution, and is then immediately
modified based on the race and class of the character.
Each character also has several primary "skills", disarming, magic devices,
saving throws, stealth, searching ability, searching frequency, fighting skill,
and shooting skill, which are derived from the character's race, class, level,
stats, and current equipment. These skills have rather obvious effects, but
will be described more completely below.
Each character may have one or more "racially intrinsic skills", based on
the race of the character. These may include special resistances, or even
abilities such as infravision.
Each character has experience, which increases as the character becomes more
experienced, and a level, which is based on experience, and also on race and
class. As the experience rises, so does the level, and as the level rises,
certain other abilities and characteristics rise as well. Deep down inside,
the real objective of the game is to increase your experience, and certain
other characteristics, and also to collect useful items, to give you a decent
chance against Morgoth. Certain monsters can "drain" your experience, and
thus your level, which will cause you to lose all of the effects of the higher
level. Luckily, you can restore drained experience through magical means, or
by simply regaining the experience all over again.
Each character has some gold, which can be used to buy items from the shops
in the town, and which can be obtained not only from selling items to the
shops, but also by taking it from dead monsters and by finding it hidden in
the dungeon. Each character starts out with some gold, the amount of which
is based on the characters social class (higher is better), charisma (higher
is better), sex (female characters start with more gold), and other stats
(less powerful characters start with more gold). Each character also starts
out with a few useful items, which may be kept, or sold to a shop-keeper for
more gold.
Each character has an armor class, representing how well the character can
avoid damage. The armor class is affected by dexterity and the equipment.
Each character has hit points, representing how much damage the character can
sustain before he dies. Your hit points are derived from your race, class,
level, and constitution, and can be temporarily boosted by magical means.
Hit points may be regained by resting, or by a variety of magical means.
Each character has spell points, or mana, which represents how many spells
(or prayers) a character can cast (or pray). Your spell points are derived
from your class, level, and intelligence (for spells) or wisdom (for prayers).
Spell points may be regained by resting, or by a few magical means.
=== Here is some (old) information about various Races ===
There are ten different races that you can choose from in
Angband. Some races are restricted as to what profession they may
be, and each race has its own adjustments to a character's stats
and abilities. Most races also have intrinsic abilities.
The human is the base character, all other races are com-
pared to them. Humans can choose any class, and are average
at everything. Humans tend to go up levels faster than any
other race, because of their shorter life spans. No racial
adjustments or intrinsics occur to characters choosing human.
Half-elves tend to be smarter and faster than a human, but
not as strong. Half-elves are slightly better at searching,
disarming, perception, stealth, and magic, but they are not
as good at hand weapons. Half-elves may choose any class.
Half-elves do not get any intrinsic abilities.
Elves are better magicians then humans, but not as good at
fighting. They tend to be smarter and faster than either
humans or half-elves, and also have better wisdom. Elves
are better at searching, disarming, perception, stealth, and
magic, but they are not as good at hand weapons. Elves may
choose any class except Paladin. They resist light effects.
Hobbits, or Halflings, are very good at bows, throwing, and
have good saving throws. They also are very good at search-
ing, disarming, perception, and stealth; so they make excel-
lent thieves (but prefer to be called burglars...). They
will be much weaker than humans, and no good at bashing.
Halflings have fair infra-vision, so they can detect warm
creatures at a distance. Halflings can choose between being
a warrior, mage, or rogue. Hobbits have their dexterity
Gnomes are smaller than dwarfs, but larger than halflings.
They, like the halflings, live in the earth in burrow-like
homes. Gnomes are practical jokers, so if they can kill
something in a humorous way, so much the better. Gnomes
make excellent magi, and have very good saving throws.
They are good at searching, disarming, perception, and
stealth. They have lower strength than humans so they are
not very good at fighting with hand weapons. Gnomes have
fair infra-vision, so they can detect warm creatures at a
distance. A gnome may choose between being a warrior, mage,
priest, or rogue. All gnomes have intrinsic free action.
Dwarves are the headstrong miners and fighters of legend.
Since dungeons are the natural home of a dwarf, they are
excellent choices for a warrior or priest. Dwarves tend to
be stronger and have higher constitutions, but are slower
and less intelligent than humans. Because they are so head-
strong and are somewhat wise, they resist spells which are
cast on them. Dwarves also have good infra-vision because
they live underground. They do have one big drawback
though. Dwarves are loudmouthed and proud, singing in loud
voices, arguing with themselves for no good reason, scream-
ing out challenges at imagined foes. In other words,
dwarves have a miserable stealth. Dwarves can never be
Half-Orcs make excellent warriors, and decent priests, but
are terrible at magic. They are as bad as dwarves at
stealth, and horrible at searching, disarming, and percep-
tion. Half-Orcs are, let's face it, ugly. They tend to pay
more for goods in town. Half-Orcs do make good priests and
rogues, for the simple reason that Half-Orcs tend to have
great constitutions and lots of hit points. Because of their
preference to living underground to on the surface, half-
orcs resist darkness attacks.
Half-Trolls are incredibly strong, and have the highest hit
points of any character race. They are also very stupid and
slow. They will make great warriors and iffy priests. They
are bad at searching, disarming, perception, and stealth.
They are so ugly that a Half-Orc grimaces in their presence.
They also happen to be fun to run... Half-trolls always have
their strength sustained.
Dunedain are a race of hardy men from the west, this elder
race surpasses human abilities in every field, especially
constitution. However being men of the world, very little is
new to them, and experience is very hard to gain... They
can play all classes. Their constitution can never be
High-elves are a race of immortal beings dating from the
beginning of time, and find experience extremely hard to
gain. They are masters of skills, and are strong and
intelligent, although their wisdom is sometimes suspect.
They can play all classes except Paladin. High-elves begin
their lives able to see the unseen, and they cannot be
harmed by falling small distances.
=== Here is some (old) information about the various Classes ===
Once a race has been chosen, you will need to pick a class. Some
classes will not be available to certain races, for instance, a
Half-Troll cannot become a Paladin. For the first few adventures
it is suggested that you run a warrior or rogue. Spell casting
generally requires a more experienced player that is familiar
with survival techniques.
A Warrior is a hack-and-slash character, who solves most of
his problems by cutting them to pieces, but will occasion-
ally fall back on the help of a magical device. His prime
stats are Strength and Constitution, and a good Dexterity
can really help at times. A Warrior will be good at Fight-
ing and Throwing/Bows, but bad at most other skills.
A Mage must live by his wits. He cannot hope to simply hack
his way through the dungeon, and so must therefore use his
magic to defeat, deceive, confuse, and escape. A mage is
not really complete without an assortment of magical devices
to use in addition to his spells. He can master the higher
level magical devices far easier than anyone else, and has
the best saving throw to resist effects of spells cast at
him. Intelligence and Dexterity are his primary stats.
There is no rule that says a mage cannot become a good
fighter, but spells are his true realm.
A Priest is a character of holy devotion. They explore the
dungeon only to destroy the evil that lurks within, and if
treasure just happens to fall into their packs, well, so
much more to the glory of their church! Priests receive
their spells from a deity, and therefore do not choose which
spells they will learn. They are familiar with magical dev-
ices, preferring to call them instruments of god, but are
not as good as a mage in their use. Priests have good sav-
ing throws, and make decent fighters, preferring blunt
weapons over edged ones. Wisdom and Charisma are the
priest's primary stats.
A Rogue is a character that prefers to live by his cunning,
but is capable of fighting his way out of a tight spot. He
is the master of traps and locks, no device being impossible
for him to overcome. A rogue has a high stealth allowing
him to sneak around many creatures without having to fight,
or sneak up and get the first blow. A rogue's perception is
higher than any other class, and many times he will notice a
trap or secret door before having to search. A rogue is
better than warriors or paladins with magical devices, but
still can not rely on their performance. Rogues can also
learn a few spells, but not the powerful offensive spells
magi can use. A rogue's primary stats are Intelligence and
A Ranger is a warrior/mage. He is a good fighter, and the
best of the classes with a missile weapon such as a bow.
The ranger learns spells much more slowly than a mage, but
is capable of learning all but the most powerful spells.
Because a ranger is really a dual class character, more
experience is required for him to advance. A ranger has a
good stealth, good perception, good searching, a good saving
throw, and is good with magical devices. His primary stats
are Intelligence and Dexterity.
A Paladin is a warrior/priest. He is a very good fighter,
second only to the warrior class, but not very good at mis-
sile weapons. He receives prayers at a slower pace then the
priest, but can even receive the most powerful prayers.
Because a paladin is really a dual class character, it
requires more experience to advance him. A paladin lacks
much in the way of abilities. He is poor at stealth, per-
ception, searching, and magical devices. He has a decent
saving throw due to his divine alliance. His primary stats
are Strength and Charisma.
=== Here is some (old) information about the various Stats ===
Strength is important in fighting with weapons and hand to
hand combat. A high strength can improve your chances of
hitting, and the amount of damage done with each hit. Char-
acters with low strengths may receive penalties. Strength
is also useful in tunneling, body and shield bashing, and in
carrying heavy items.
Intelligence is the prime stat of a mage, or magician. A
high intelligence increases a mage's chances of learning
spells, and it also increases the amount of mana a mage has.
No spell may be learned by magi with intelligences under 8.
Intelligence also modifies a character's chance of disarming
traps, picking locks, and using magic devices.
Wisdom is the prime stat of a priest. A high wisdom
increases the chance of receiving new spells from a priest's
deity, and it also increases the amount of mana a priest
has. No spell may be learned by priests with wisdom under
8. Wisdom also modifies a character's chance of resisting
magical spells cast upon his person.
Dexterity is a combination of agility and quickness. A high
dexterity may allow a character to get multiple blows with
lighter weapons, thus greatly increasing his kill power, and
may increase his chances of hitting with any weapon and
dodging blows from enemies. Dexterity is also useful in
picking locks, disarming traps, and protecting yourself from
pick pockets.
Constitution is a character's ability to resist damage to
his body, and to recover from damage received. Therefore a
character with a high constitution will receive more hit
points, and be more resistant to poisons.
Charisma represents a character's personality, as well as
physical looks. A character with a high charisma will
receive better prices from store owners, whereas a character
with a very low charisma will be robbed blind. A high
charisma will also mean more starting money for the charac-
=== Here is some (old) information about the various Abilities ===
Characters possess some different abilities which can help them
to survive. The starting abilities of a character are based upon
race and class. Abilities may be adjusted by high or low stats,
and may increase with the level of the character.
Fighting is the ability to hit and do damage with weapons or
fists. Normally a character gets a single blow from any
weapon, but if his dexterity and strength are high enough,
he may receive more blows per round with lighter weapons.
Strength and dexterity both modify the ability to hit an
opponent. This skill increases with the level of the char-
Shooting Ability
Using ranged missile weapons (and throwing objects) is
included in this skill. Different stats apply to different
weapons, but this ability may modify the distance an object
is thrown/fired, the amount of damage done, and the ability
to hit a creature. This skill increases with the level of
the character.
Saving Throws
A Saving Throw is the ability of a character to resist the
effects of a spell cast on him by another person/creature.
This does not include spells cast on the player by his own
stupidity, such as quaffing a nasty potion. This ability
increases with the level of the character, but then most
high level creatures are better at casting spells, so it
tends to even out. A high wisdom also increases this abil-
The ability to move silently about is very useful. Charac-
ters with good stealth can usually surprise their opponents,
gaining the first blow. Also, creatures may fail to notice
a stealthy character entirely, allowing a player to avoid
certain fights. This skill is based entirely upon race and
class, and will never improve unless magically enhanced.
Disarming is the ability to remove traps (safely), and
includes picking locks on traps and doors. A successful
disarming will gain the character some experience. A trap
must be found before it can be disarmed. Dexterity and
intelligence both modify the ability to disarm, and this
ability increases with the level of the character.
Magical Devices
Using a magical device such as a wand or staff requires
experience and knowledge. Spell users such as magi and
priests are therefore much better at using a magical device
than say a warrior. This skill is modified by intelligence,
and increases with the level of the character.
Searching Frequency (Perception)
Perception is the ability to notice something without
actively seeking it out. This skill is based entirely upon
race and class, and will never improve unless magically
Searching Ability (Searching)
To search is to actively look for secret doors, floor traps,
and traps on chests. Rogues are the best at searching, but
magi, rangers, and priests are also good at it. This skill
is based entirely upon race and class, and will never
improve unless magically enhanced.
=== Here are the legal combinations of Race and Class ===
Warrior Mage Priest Rogue Ranger Paladin
Human Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Half-Elf Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Elf Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Hobbit Yes Yes No Yes No No
Gnome Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Dwarf Yes No Yes No No No
Half-Orc Yes No Yes Yes No No
Half-Troll Yes No Yes No No No
Dunadan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
High-Elf Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
=== Here is some (old) miscellaneous information ===
Infra-vision is the ability to see heat sources. Since most
of the dungeon is cool or cold, infra-vision will not allow
the player to see walls and objects. Infra-vision will allow
a character to see any warm-blooded creatures up to a cer-
tain distance. This ability works equally well with or with
out a light source. The majority of Angband's creatures are
cold-blooded, and will not be detected unless lit up by a
light source. All non human races have innate infra-vision
ability. Human can gain infra-vision only if it is magically
=== Here are the (old) tables describing Stat Bonuses ===
Stat, hit dice, and experience points per level modifications due
to race are listed in the following table.
Str Int Wis Dex Con Chr Hit Dice Rqd Exp/level
Human 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 +0%
Half-Elf -1 +1 0 +1 -1 +1 9 +10%
Elf -1 +2 +1 +1 -2 +1 8 +20%
Hobbit -2 +2 +1 +3 +2 +1 7 +10%
Gnome -1 +2 0 +2 +1 -2 8 +25%
Dwarf +2 -3 +1 -2 +2 -3 11 +20%
Half-Orc +2 -1 0 0 +1 -4 10 +10%
Half-Troll +4 -4 -2 -4 +3 -6 12 +20%
Dunadan +1 +2 +1 +2 +3 +2 10 +80%
High-Elf +1 +3 -1 +3 +1 +5 10 +80%
Warrior +5 -2 -2 +2 +2 -1
Mage -5 +3 0 +1 -2 +1
Priest -1 -3 +3 -1 0 +2
Rogue +2 +1 -2 +3 +1 -1
Ranger +2 +2 0 +1 +1 +1
Paladin +3 -3 +1 0 +2 +2
=== Here are the (old) tables describing Abilities ===
Disarm Search Stealth Percep Fight Bows Save Infra
Human 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 None
Half-Elf 6 7 7 6 4 6 6 20 feet
Elf 8 9 7 7 3 9 7 30 feet
Hobbit 10 10 10 10 1 10 10 40 feet
Gnome 9 7 9 9 2 8 9 40 feet
Dwarf 6 8 3 5 9 5 8 50 feet
Half-Orc 3 5 3 2 8 3 3 30 feet
Half-Troll 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 30 feet
Dunadan 9 8 7 8 7 8 7 None
High-Elf 9 8 8 9 7 10 10 40 feet
Save Stea- Magic Extra
Fight Bows Throw lth Disarm Device Percep Search Exp/lev
Warrior 10 6 3 2 4 3 2 2 +0%
Mage 2 1 10 5 6 10 8 5 +30%
Priest 4 3 6 5 3 8 4 4 +20%
Rogue 8 9 7 10 10 6 10 10 +25%
Ranger 6 10 8 7 6 7 6 6 +30%
Paladin 9 5 4 2 2 4 2 2 +35%